Sonic Anchor #35 Here at Another Life

Venue / McAulay Studio, Hong Kong Arts Centre 

Date/ 2021.11.23

Featured Artists /

Goin' Music (ft. Justin Chan & Vivian Law)

Viola Yip

The lives of the trees are transformed by sound and wood carving works to invoke the audiences' senses.

The project Manager of Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong, Him, is taking the stage along with his group Goin' Music collaborating with two wood carving artists, Justin Chan and Vivian Law, to bring the wood carving process to the stage. Through exploring the sounds of wood working with different tools and types of wood, the artists will take the sonic experience of the carving process to the stage.

We are also very excited to have Viola Yip here with us in person, presenting "Transsonic", a performance developed by her and Nicola L. Hein. Viola Yip will be presenting the newest iteration of the duo, in which she performs her lightbulbs and amplified relays solely that interacts with the virtual Nicola L. Hein on his guitar, via Machine Learning algorithm, that is spatialised across a multichannel system.

Sound Carving

The philosophy of wood craftsmanship lies in the respect of nature. A new life is given to pieces of wood by the skilled woodworkers through transforming them into a variety of items. Goin’ Music is collaborating with two wood carving artists, Justin Chan and Vivian Law, to bring the wood carving process to the stage. Through exploring the sounds of wood working with different tools and types of wood, the artists will take the sonic experience of the carving process to the stage.The lives of the trees are transformed by sound and wood carving works to invoke the audiences’ senses.


Goin’ Music 

is a Huqin ensemble established in 2012. The group performs Chinese music, classical music, jazz, film music and popular music adaptations, and aims to show the different aspects of Huqin music and expand its infinite possibilities. In addition to playing Gaohu, Erhu, Zhonghu and double bass, the Goin’ musicians are dedicated to integrating effects and computer music technology to enrich the sensory experience with the goal to share the joy with the audience.



Transsonic, a duo of Nicola L. Hein and Viola Yip,  aims to develop works consisting site-specific light installations, oscillating relays, electric guitar and multichannel live electronics. With the ongoing digital revolutions, the duo develops translational potentials of electronic and digital media that expands the working concept of music across different media. 

The duo has been commissioned by Hong Kong New Music Ensemble, Seanaps Festival Leipzig and Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry at the University of Chicago. Their performances have also been featured in places in U.S., U.K., Netherlands, Germany, Malaysia and Hong Kong.

For Sonic Anchor 35, Viola Yip will be presenting the newest iteration of the duo, in which she performs her lightbulbs and amplified relays solely that interacts with the virtual Nicola L. Hein on his guitar, via Machine Learning algorithm, that is spatialized across a multichannel system.

Transsonic 是由Nicola L. Hein及Viola Yip組成的二人組合,旨在發展包含場域限定燈光裝置、振動繼電器、電子結他及多聲道電子聲音等元素的作品。二人隨着日新月異的數碼科技革新,發展電子及數碼媒體那能夠擴闊音樂於不同媒體中現有概念的推動潛力。

組合曾獲香港創樂團、萊比鍚Seanaps藝術節、芝加哥大學Gray Centre for Arts and Inquiry委約創作。而本作品亦曾於美國、英國、荷蘭、德國、馬來西亞及香港演出。

在聲音下寨#35中,Viola將會演出作品的最新版本,演出中他會以燈光及振動中繼器與以機器學習演算的Nicola 及他的結他互動演出,並以多聲道音響呈現。

Viola Yip

A native of Hong Kong, Viola Yip is an experimental composer, performer, improviser, sound artist and instrument builder.

Her instruments and sound performances have been presented in music festivals and venues such as Issue Project Room, The New School, Cycling ‘74 Expo (North Adams), Sonic Arts Research Center at Queen's University Belfast (UK), QO-2 (Brussels), Currents/ Festival für aktuelle Tiefkultur (Köln), A L’arme! Festival (Berlin), Seanaps Festival (Leipzig), Festival für Immaterielle Kunst (Hamburg) and ZHdK (Zurich). 

She has given workshops and artist talks in Stanford University, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Chicago, Columbia University, Hong Kong Baptist University, City University of Hong Kong and Ars Electronica Hong Kong Garden (HK). 

She recently received an Honorary Mention from Giga-Hertz-Preis 2021 at ZKM (Center for Arts and Media) in Karlsruhe as well as an INITIAL special grant from Academy for the Arts in Berlin.

Viola Yip是一位本地實驗作曲家、表演者、即興演出者、聲音藝術家及樂器製作者 。

他的器樂及聲音演出曾於多個音樂節及場地公演,包括Issue Project Room、The New School、Cycling ‘74 Expo (北亞當斯)、貝爾法斯特的Sonic Arts Research Center (英國), QO-2 (布魯塞爾)、Currents/ Festival für aktuelle Tiefkultur (科隆)、 A L’arme! Festival (柏林), Seanaps Festival (萊比鍚)、Festival für Immaterielle Kunst (漢堡) 及ZHdK (蘇黎世)。

他亦曾於史丹福大學、卡耐基梅隆大學、芝加哥大學、哥倫比亞大學、香港浸會大學、香港城市大及 Ars Electronica - Hong Kong Garden中作工作坊或藝術家講座。

他最近於卡爾斯魯厄ZKM (Center for Arts and Media)獲頒Giga-Hertz-Preis 2021的榮譽獎及柏林Aademy for the Arts in Berlin的 INITIAL 特別資助。