"Soundbrood" Soundart Summerschool


Teaching Artist | 藝術家導師: Alain Chiu | 趙朗天

Assisting Teaching Artist | 助理藝術家導師: Dipsy Ha | 夏逸緯

Project Officer | 項目主任: Christabel Ng | 吳雨縈

SOUND BROOD=Workshops 工作坊+ Summer Camp 夏令營 + Public Performance 公開演出

Sound Brood is a sound art summer education programme + summer camp that is geared towards exposing teenagers to cutting-edge, cross-disciplinary practices in sound art and experimental music. Its unique curriculum seeks to break down traditional barriers between art and science and technology. Sound Brood requires no prior training in music. It facilitates collaborative music-making in non-specialist contexts, and believes in music as a vehicle for personal growth and development.

《聲音窩》是一個聲音藝術與當代音樂的夏季課程+夏令營。課程由專業藝術家設計,以跨媒界的角度發掘音樂與聲音的可能性,歡迎從未接受過正規音樂和器樂訓練的青少年參加。課程跳出傳 統音樂科課程的框架,突破藝術與科技對立的二元思維。學員透過個人與集體的創作活動,以及藝術家的針對性指導,培養學科以外的全人發展。

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Sound Brood Cirriculum | 聲音窩課程

 “Sound Brood Sound Art Cultivation for Youth” is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.