2020/22 Artist Residency: Mentorship Program

Artist-in-Residence (Mentors)/




Kelvin Tang

So Ho Chi

Over 6 months, the two mentees of the Instrument Designing Mentorship Program, Kelvin T and So Ho-Chi have been developing their own instrument while working closely with Sebastien Saint-Jean and Ess Mattisson. At the end of the mentorship program, Kelvin T and So Ho-Chi has demonstrated the prototype of their instruments, while sharing the process and experience in designing them.

Kelvin T is an internet raised artist and music producer based in Hong Kong. His instrument, “Repiecer”, is an instrument that allows the musician to piece different playable modules together.

So Ho Chi is a freelance musician/composer exploring the possibility of different forms of expression through sound and other media. “Extended Viola”, is an electronic gadget that enables the bow movement of the violist to control the manipulation of sound processing electronically

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