2016/17 R&D Project: Sound Toys – Mac Audio Softwares

Research Meetings/

5, March 2017

Development Phase/

March – June, 2017

Project Launch and Public Workshop/

25, June 2017

Project Leader/

Wang Changcun, CMHK Technologist-in-residence (2015 – 2017)

Project Summary

As a result of his interaction with CMHK and this year’s professional development workshop participants, CMHK’s technologist in residence Mr. Wang Changcun has developed a series of Python-based, standalone applications, or “soundtoys” for composers and musicians. Each of these standalone applications does one very specific, automated, slightly strange audio process: convert ANY digital file to audio, a collision-based drum-machine.

Project Deliverables

1. A set of 8 sound toys for the iOS platform;
2. A public workshop to introduce the functionality as well as the making process of the applications.

Download The Soundtoys Here

Sound Toys Package (click here)


Technologist-in-Residence: Wang Changcun

Currently based in Hangzhou, China, Wang Changcun is a sound artist, electronic musician, and computer programmer. Wang is a pioneering figure in sound art in China. In 2003, six of Wang’s work were chosen for the very first Chinese sound art compilation CD “China: The Sonic Avant-Garde,” which was released by the American label Post-Concrete. In the same year, Wang performed at the first large-scale international experimental music festival “Sounding Beijing 2003.”

In October 2004, Wang had his first performance tour of Europe. In the same year, his solo CDs “The Mountain Swallowing Sadness” was released by the Belgian label Sub Rosa, and “Parallel Universe” by the American label Post-Concrete. Wang also appeared on numerous experimental music and sound art compilation CDs, including the iconic compilation “AN ANTHOLOGY OF NOISE: ELECTRONIC MUSIC #4” released by Sub Rosa.