Sonic Transmission 2019: Tokyo
Date: 05.10.2019
Time: 19:30 - 20:00
Location: Ftarri - Suidobashi
Exchange Artist: Larry Shuen
Featured artists: Larry Shuen, Christophe Charles, Naruki Numazawa
Larry Shuen [from Hong Kong] (computer, piano) solo
Christophe Charles (computer) and suzueri (prepared piano, self-made instrument)
Naruki Numazawa (computer, oscillator, clock)
Larry SHUEN is a Hong Kong musician, composer, sound and new media artist. His artistic practices include traditional concert music, electroacoustic improvisation, generative and multichannel sound installations, interactive programming, 3D printings, art objects, digital images and other new media works. Multichannel sounds and hardware electronics are his recent artistic focus, presented in his works Every Small Sky, Partials and Gymnopedies No.1 Remix. His other artworks and music compositions are performed and exhibited in Hong Kong, Japan, Philippines, UK, Canada and USA.